Give Thanks


Obviously Thanksgiving is tomorrow. We celebrate it for reason’s I’ll never understand. The one day of the year we are actually supposed to be thankful for things. Whether it be family, friends, or food, you better be thankful on Thursday, or else! Although, there are plenty of people that have to work tomorrow and I guarantee they are not thankful for that.

It could be a joyous day, filled with turkey and a James Bond marathon. However, although James Bond might be on the TV, all too often the day is a serious buzz kill for many families. It’s kind of expected though. You should be ready for fighting and bickering if this is the first time you hung out with your family since Christmas. Now I know that that is not every family, but it is very common.

At least I know for me that that is how it works. Other than my mother and brother, I do not see my family that often. I see them twice a year, maybe a third time if I’m lucky. This causes a deep jealousy within me when I see people having awesome relationships and regular time with their family. I wish I had that. I dream of a day where my life is full of that very thing. I long for it.

Now sure, I hope for these things to one day be a possibility. But what good is that if this hope I have doesn’t give life to action? If it does sprout some sort of life, then what would that look like? How can I start?

If you are hoping for the same thing, and asking the same questions, the following passage has some decent insight that I believe can apply this time of year.

Ephesians 5:18-20 (NASB)
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;

Start off on the right foot tomorrow. Embrace your family, love your family, and do not waste time only having fun and getting sloshed. When your family asks you to say grace because you are the bible-person (like my family has had me do since I was 13) do it, and do it with some passion. This is the 20 seconds of fame you have to broadcast the truth. So you better do it boldly.

I thank God all the time for all the things he has done for me so far. I know he has a lot still in store for me and I am excited to see what it all is! 

Tomorrow, eat some Turkey, laugh, cry, and hug your mother. All the while giving thanks to God for everything he has done.