Category: Ancient Scrolls
a Role in the Whole (Romans 12 Part 2)
Likewise, every person and their specific gifting/role are all equally important and necessary. Our lives must be connected in a way much more significant than just showing up to meetings. We must know what’s going on with each other. We need fail-safes just like the fast-food restaurant. If one person can’t teach the meeting one…
The Anonymous Billionaire (Romans 12 Part 1)
You’re a millionaire now! If an anonymous billionaire gave you a million dollars, it would be a pretty amazing gift. From that point forward, money would never be a problem for you. What a relief. Now, what if the following week he decides to buy you a car? You’d have enough respect to thank him…
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Saved My Life (my trip to [redacted])
The trip to ///// was eye-opening, to say the least. God showed me things about himself that I had not seen previously. God is very big, and his presence is felt around the world. I got to witness first-hand, a miracle, and heard stories of others. I got to teach a large crowd of ////////…
my dad left too soon
My dad was a liar. My dad was a cheater. My dad was a thief! He thought he was so funny… You know what’s funny? When you leave behind your wife, kids, and the rest of your family – all because you can’t stop drinking. What a joke! My dad was a quitter. My dad…
The Introduction to Titus is a Big Deal
TITUS 1:1-4 1 Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ to further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness— 2 in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time, 3 and which now at…
Sometimes it’s Hard to Feel Forgiven
If you have accepted Christ, you are forgiven of all of your sins. If you told God that you know you are a sinner and you need his Son’s death on the cross to count for you, your sins are forgiven. If the Holy Spirit is indeed within your heart – your sins are forgiven.…
Three Examples of the Way We Be (1 Samuel 1-3)
There are many lessons to learn from 1 Samuel, some of which are found in the first few chapters. While studying it to teach the first chapter, and from continuing on past where we left off in home church, I’ve found some interesting things I can’t help but write about. What’s very cool is how…
One Boy Went to a Bible Study, You Won’t BELIEVE What Happened Next!
Mega Church Buzz First off let me say, I don’t like BuzzFeed. Which is why I decided to title this article much like a BuzzFeed article. My distaste for BuzzFeed is not unlike my distaste for mega churches. Like BuzzFeed, mega churches draw in new attendees with catchy slogans, ear-tickling stories, and upbeat content most…
Through thick and thin.
The Lord is good. Is he not? So often we forget who we are. A child of God (if we made the choice to accept the Holy Spirit into our hearts, of course – John 1:12). So as children of God, we basically forget who our dad is regularly. How on earth is that possible!?…
Dear Xenos Columbus
Hey guys, I can’t speak for our whole church but I just wanted to introduce you to us, so i can let you know about the beautiful things we have going on in northeast Ohio. I felt the need to write this because I’ve spent a significant amount of time with some Columbus Xenoids lately,…