Author: Bryan Bassett
South Dakota Blog PT.1
I’m on my way to South Dakota. I have no idea what to expect but I am very excited. I have the privilege of riding down with Zak Rozler, Tommy McCartney, Corey Tarter, Collin Mehring, and Columbus’ own – Maxwell McKenna. These guys are all really cool brothers, so I’m pretty happy that I get…
We knew of the poverty. We read all we really could. Well, I guess we probably could have read more, you can never be too prepared right? But seeing the reality of the facts was one of the saddest things I have ever seen. I could barely believe my eyes. I was hit with a…
I’m still blown away by the beauty of it all. This place is probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to. However it’s still a heartbreaking place to be. We got a lot of work done these last two days and today Zak and I had the chance of teaching the main church meeting.…
I am having such a difficult time switching gears. I’m home now, I have been for about a day. It’s hard to think through everything I need to do. It’s pretty hard to relate. I had such an eye-opening trip that I kind of need to close eyes a bit. The struggle now is to…
Dear Xenos Columbus
Hey guys, I can’t speak for our whole church but I just wanted to introduce you to us, so i can let you know about the beautiful things we have going on in northeast Ohio. I felt the need to write this because I’ve spent a significant amount of time with some Columbus Xenoids lately,…
One Boy Went to a Bible Study, You Won’t BELIEVE What Happened Next!
Mega Church Buzz First off let me say, I don’t like BuzzFeed. Which is why I decided to title this article much like a BuzzFeed article. My distaste for BuzzFeed is not unlike my distaste for mega churches. Like BuzzFeed, mega churches draw in new attendees with catchy slogans, ear-tickling stories, and upbeat content most…
A Review of J.D. Greear’s Gaining by Losing, Why the Future Belongs to Churches That Send
My Opinion I read this book faster than I read most books I’m interested in. I believe that has something to do with how good it was. I only ever put the book down because I had to be responsible and do things like actually work at my job. But while I read I wanted…
To Screen or Not To Screen
Is That Even Up For Debate? It comes at no surprise that everyone’s talking about how everyone else is addicted to their screens (smart phones, laptops, televisions, etc.). So what’s the big deal? Is the smartphone age affecting our brains the same way illegal drugs do? What about getting drunk – do we really feel…
The Hot and the Cold (@churchplanting conference, Part 1) #exponential
I flew in to sunny Orlando, Florida today to attend the Exponential East 2016 Church Planting Conference. The point of the conference according the marketing materials is “How to Become Level 5 Churches”. “Five” is the level you reach after you church was really terrible, decided to evangelize, of course then becoming a church that…