Category: Ancient Scrolls
Why we must be in our Word
Matthew 4:1-11 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But He answered and said, “It is…
The Loving Leader Loves the Loose Lady
Jesus Christ loves everyone the same. Always has, and always will. Even those of us that think we are terrible people, even the ones that think they are great. He loves us all. Before we even had a chance to sin, he already knew we would and forgave us. That is a pretty amazing thing.…
In a conversation with a good friend recently…
In a conversation with a good friend recently, I mentioned how beautiful the skies have been this summer. She quickly responded, “or maybe you’re in a better place (spiritually) and you’re able to appreciate it more”. I thought that was a really insightful thought. To me it makes a ton of sense. One of the first…
Give Thanks
Obviously Thanksgiving is tomorrow. We celebrate it for reason’s I’ll never understand. The one day of the year we are actually supposed to be thankful for things. Whether it be family, friends, or food, you better be thankful on Thursday, or else! Although, there are plenty of people that have to work tomorrow and I…
I’m taking a break from writing about Peter to write about something else I found during my study of Peter’s life. This seems to be yet another passage I’ve read probably many times before, yet it seems so much more significant to me now. The passage is Matthew 12:46-49, and it is as follows: 46 While…
Death is Weird.
It has been a few years since my father has died and this is the first year I actually really feel it. For many reasons my heart has gone through so many changes since his passing. Only a few months ago have I truly mourned his passing. The reality of it all hit me like…
Don’t Follow In My Footsteps Because I Might Have Stepped In Something
[thats me in the middle way back] My life has had many ups and downs. I’ve spent a large amount of it in the dark. It’s taken me far too long to recognize my sin issues. Luckily now that I have, it didn’t even take a day to realize I had to take care of…
Change, from the inside out.
A young fellow college student recently told me her whole life story. Growing up she was very sheltered as her parents tried to raise her to be a “good girl”. She went to private Catholic school and up until high school, she was successfully protected from anything dangerous. Nobody was ever mean to her and…
The Life of Peter
For the last few weeks I have been studying the life of Peter. The amount of resources available on Peter are nowhere near as available as just about any other major character in the bible. However, his life is one of the most fascinating, in my opinion, out of all the other biblical characters.…
I want to be cool.
To be in, with the in-crowd is to be out of touch with reality. That’s a struggle of mine. Its easier to be cool with people that are seemingly cool. It is so much harder to be cool with the outcasts. People that I look at and judge as lower than me, why should they…