Category: Ancient Scrolls
I want to be cool.
To be in, with the in-crowd is to be out of touch with reality. That’s a struggle of mine. Its easier to be cool with people that are seemingly cool. It is so much harder to be cool with the outcasts. People that I look at and judge as lower than me, why should they…
College: My Life After High School
I have finally finished college. It took me just above the average amount of time to do it. Seven years of higher education. It was not easy, specifically this last semester. I worked full-time during my last two semesters, which is something I would never recommend to anyone. If you care about someone, and they…
Ideals are Peaceful, History is Violent
If you haven’t seen the movie FURY yet, chances are this article will spoil a couple of things. I am posting this the same day it comes out, so I imagine that if you read it today, you’ll have something spoiled. I’ll do my best to not ruin anything, but there’s a chance. And with…
The Hot and the Cold (@churchplanting conference, Part 1) #exponential
I flew in to sunny Orlando, Florida today to attend the Exponential East 2016 Church Planting Conference. The point of the conference according the marketing materials is “How to Become Level 5 Churches”. “Five” is the level you reach after you church was really terrible, decided to evangelize, of course then becoming a church that…
A Response to: Should Adult Sibling Incest Be a Crime?
Originally titled, “Sex Your Sister”, but then I realized that nobody wants to click that. If you want to read the article that lead me to write about this, click here. I’m left speechless mainly after reading the results of the poll at the end of the the above article. Here are the results with…
To Screen or Not To Screen
Is That Even Up For Debate? It comes at no surprise that everyone’s talking about how everyone else is addicted to their screens (smart phones, laptops, televisions, etc.). So what’s the big deal? Is the smartphone age affecting our brains the same way illegal drugs do? What about getting drunk – do we really feel…
Jesus, the Troublemaker
There are so many portrayals of Jesus. You got peace-loving sheep-hugging Jesus, Jesus wearing pretty robes and making a cute face, computer nerd Jesus, and even black Jesus. In the movies he is either super weird (The Last Temptation of Christ), or he is a super wimp. The thing is, Jesus was not like this…
A Review of J.D. Greear’s Gaining by Losing, Why the Future Belongs to Churches That Send
My Opinion I read this book faster than I read most books I’m interested in. I believe that has something to do with how good it was. I only ever put the book down because I had to be responsible and do things like actually work at my job. But while I read I wanted…
The Tunnel of Life
When dealing with something difficult, all too often we are told to look towards the light at the end of the tunnel. But how did we get in the tunnel in the first place? If you ever got trapped in a really long, scary tunnel, why would you choose to go in another one when…
One Boy Went to a Bible Study, You Won’t BELIEVE What Happened Next!
Mega Church Buzz First off let me say, I don’t like BuzzFeed. Which is why I decided to title this article much like a BuzzFeed article. My distaste for BuzzFeed is not unlike my distaste for mega churches. Like BuzzFeed, mega churches draw in new attendees with catchy slogans, ear-tickling stories, and upbeat content most…